Harley 883 Iron fuel tank.
FUEL TANK Aim : For this assignment we are required to create a 1:1 scale template replicating one of the motorcycle fuel tanks supplied. We will using Software technology, laser cutting machines and techniques we learnt from assignment 1 to create an aluminium skin to adhere to a third of the fuel tanks contours. Our chosen fuel tank : Harley 883 Iron fuel tank . STEP 1---Make the Template Tools/Equipment: - 1:1 Tank example - Camera - Sketchup - Rhino - Fusion 360 slicer First we take photos of the fuel tank at different angles and have a measurement. Next step, we used rhino to recap the 3D model and used slicer to slice the model. We tried two kinds of ways to slice the model. STEP 2 --- Laser Cutting and Assembling the Template Tools/Equipment: - Laser cutter - Glue - Masking Tape We exported 2D sheets into PDF file from slicer and...