REFLECTION z5018045 Yu Xie I had a second go of at the aluminum torus. First I analyze the old torus I did weeks ago and figure out the problems and mistakes in 3 points: - Rough surface - Centre & Sides not aligned - Rough edges - Uneven surface - Centre sunken not equal at different place I figure out that all surface problems are due to the use of wrong sandpapers and English wheels. Centre sunken unequal is because hammering too hard while shaping. Rough edges are also caused by hammering which can be fixed by using files. Centre & sides not aligned is caused by hammering and stretching center part too hard and cause the middle part become fatter than two sides. By Knowing all problems and how to fix them, I restart the project using same technique. First I gradually fold aluminium over the timber stump and hammering the it into stump's hollow at the same time. By doing this, hammering will do less da...